
Friday, March 18, 2011

Do so

Me again. Have just finished making the pamphlet going up for auction here. Huge thanks to Keris.

And here it is, paint still wet at time of photographing - a totally one off collection of thirty poems, never before seen (ten of them written in the last three days).

 first read of 30 original poems,
glow-in-the-dark presentation envelope,
authentic Japanese newspaper dust jacket, 
hand beaded page marker,
hand painted front cover,
secret hidden, removable, original art;
all by me, for you, for Japan.

Auction ends this Sunday.


  1. Oh, Rachel! So beautiful and you did it so quickly. This must have consumed you 24 hours a day. You put me to shame. I'm plodding along at something that will pale in the shadow of your offering.

  2. Good for you! I wish I had thought earlier. I was too wrapped up in the deluge of e-mails. I could at least have offered up the prize-winning shawl as "something to read under".

  3. Les - it's not a competition and I am looking forward to finding out what you've been working away at! But I have been working on this non-stop for the week and am sooo tired now. Incidentally, the reason the art work is secret and hidden is because it's still in my paint brush! Still working on this! And it's my daughter's birthday tomorrow! Big cake plans!
    Thank you!

  4. Cat - there's nothing to stop you auctioning things off yourself to raise funds but I can only just begin to imagine how busy you must be.
    Thank you.

  5. Amazing idea, Rachel! Good on you.

  6. Cheers, Andrea! It was fun - if labour intensive, to do!

  7. Wow, it's beautiful! I saw you had something to bid for, and now I'm off to see how close to three figures the bidding has got...

  8. Thomas, thank you! I'd advise converting the pounds to dollars to get nearer that third figure! You never know though, it's all still to bid for, and whatever it goes for I'll be happy it's going to Japan.

  9. Wow, you work so hard! That looks quite magical, Rachel. I admire you so much.

  10. Wow Rachel, that's fantastic!
    Beautiful, thoughtful piece of art, and well done for doing something.

  11. Lori, thank you - I hope the recipient likes it. Making me go all shy. That's a lovely thing to say.

  12. JoAnne - I've been soaking up tips from your recent posts! Plus several years worth of design school helped! Made the thing I'd like to receive. Thank you.

  13. Gorgeous. The auction was such a great idea - massive kudos to Keris for organising it so quickly!

  14. Thanks, Talli - and yes, huge gold star to Keris for her brilliant idea.

  15. Very cool and great idea!

    great post.

    I woke up Sunday a.m. to find my blog, my 500 plus followers, my 100plus author interviews, and my 200 plus reviews gone. Blogger gave no explanation, but I think the account was hacked. Change your password often!

    I have reloaded the interviews and reviews, plus redesigned the blog. But if you could, please hit the "follow" button so I can reclaim the fellow bloggers I miss. I'm still following you, as my account remained--thank goodness!

    Thank you!
    Kelly Moran

  16. Thanks, Kelly - and thanks for the warning! So sorry you've had such a hassle. Will pop round anon x

  17. And it's mine!!!! YAY! It looks really beautiful, Rachel, and I feel honoured and excited to have something so special. Just so you know, I added a little extra to my Red Cross donation...

  18. What a lovely idea. This is a beautiful pamphlet, something that will be cherished, I'm sure.

  19. Sarah - that's so generous of you! Really hope it lives up to its picture now!

  20. Ha, Teresa - that's enough to make a head swell - steady on - that comma weighs as much as an anchor!

    Thank you.

  21. Helen, thank you - I think the contents will earn their stars for entertainment but I'll wait to hear what Sarah makes of the actual thing!

  22. What an accomplishment!

    And so beautiful too.

  23. Hey Kass,
    been thinking of you this week.

    Thanks x

  24. I've been very neglectful of my pals and I missed this. It looks beautiful on the outside and I know it would be beautiful on the inside. I hope that it well exceeded its reserve!

  25. Guess I've missed it. I must try to get out more.
    All success and blessings to you.

  26. Thank you, Dick. No need to apologise to me - I'm not so good at playing tig either - I'd much rather you read and comment only when you want to.

    Dave - I'm trying the getting out more myself! No worries.
    Thank you.


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