
Thursday, July 28, 2011


I'd just lke to draw everyone's attention to a fantastic new zine venture for all who are inspired by vintage, thrift and fashion: Story Bought Dress

Here's what the blurb says:


Story Bought Dress is an online zine which seeks to explore the stories of outfits and their wearers in creative ways. The zine is particularly interested in work centering around vintage and thrifted fashion and pieces which blur the boundaries between fact and fiction. Contributions may take whatever form the author wishes - anything from essays and memoirs to poetry, fragements, prose and conceptual pieces. There may be a visual component to these if you wish.
Contributions from around the world are welcome. Please send your piece or any queries to storyboughtdress(at)gmail(dot)com. Please attach your piece as a word document and include a brief author note.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Ballad debt

Illustration by R J Fenton 2011
Click to enlarge

Having major pc woes folks - sparks, smoke and EVERYTHING! Would be exciting (and for my life that is all it takes) were it not for the fact that it is costing me. I wouldn't have bought a settee if I'd known my computer was listing. Many trips to local library are the order of the day. And who made orthodontists the yankers of the purse strings? My advice to my daughter is - should she ever have children of her own - choose a partner with perfect teeth...then again, if her partner's teeth were unmatching in a perfectly opposite way, would that....never mind.

On pearly whiter news - two poems, owing much to the ballad tradition, in the latest blackmail press. My sincere thanks to Liz Breslin and Laura Williamson.

Make a cuppa first. Warning, contains strong language. Best get a couple of biscuits, too....

Let me know what you think - always love your (honest) opinions.