
Sunday, March 21, 2010


Happy Birthday Beanie! See, you got your poetry books published!

This is a wee skinny note so please don't bother commenting - going to be back soon with the pics I promised you in my last post - but I just felt the need to state how blogging is affecting me. It's pulling at me in so many ways and rendering me useless for writing. The odd bits I have written over the last few weeks have been dire. Apologies to those who have suffered me recently! I have come to the conclusion that I need to blog less. I miss writing and my writing is suffering from the lack of attention. I want my writing back.

I like to compare writing to art - at least to my process of creating pictures. If I go for any period of time without drawing or painting I lose some of the skills I had. I have to draw or paint for quite some time to regain those skills to the same level I had them before. It's the same with my writing. I don't want to be stuck at the same level of writing through not leaving myself enough time to practice. I want to write lots and lots and improve - and woman do I need to improve right now! And not just at writing or painting.

I am still going to be reading all of you but I'll be posting a wee bit less myself. Except, of course, now that I've declared this I'll get the urge to blog more!


  1. Yep, I know the feeling. Blogging can drain you. It needs to be boxed up and sometimes it doesn't want that. Good luck with your 'real' writing.

  2. I know exactly where you're coming from. My artistic projects have really suffered from the blogging bug. But it certainly has freed up my writing which had gone dormant for several years. I don't know if that would translate over to any writing that could be published, though.

    Look forward to the writing you want most to share...

  3. I actually just like what you write, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.
    Impressive cake!

  4. Thanks, Mary - I don't know about luck, I think some sawdust would be better for what I've been churning out lately!

    Kass, "blogging bug" is just it - it's so addictive! I need to get back into a good habit with it - one where I control it and not t'other way round. I'll still be about and reading you guys - just spouting a bit less myself. Hopefully my spouting and my writing should improve!

    Ha, Titus, which volume would you like?! It looked much better before it started to melt and the kids prodded the "pages" in! Cheers. And thanks for that - I like reading your stuff too.

    Want to bust out a first draft of my current novel and then I'll not be in such a pickle about time! Everything's been so hectic since my son decided naps weren't for him and my daughter's had so much swimming - evening classes and ompetitions at weekends. Should all settle down in a month or so and then I'll probably be about more. Hadn't been leaving myself enough time for sleep though and that has to change!

    Thanks again, your comments/encouragement (you) mean a great deal to me.

  5. Yes, a great cake!

    I see blog-keeping as operating in tides. I'm at a low ebb too, but there's nothing wrong with that. Enjoy the break, Rachel, and good luck with your writing.

  6. Yes, Andrea, I'll have a slice of that! Thanks!

    Cheers, Thomas! Thanks - I feel better knowing it's not just me.

  7. Isn't this the best part about blogging? We can come in and out of it as we please? We might have nobody reading when we come back in ... well, still. As you well know, I am feeling a little tired too.

  8. I'll keep reading whatever you post, thick or thin. I ran into some down time this weekend, because my ISP is suddenly having trouble getting a wireless signal to me, and so my internet connection has been dead in the water since early Friday morning, which gave me some time to research my book a bit more, sans Wikipedia. It was fun to sit in a real library. I haven't posted on my poetry blog in over two months, three months on my flash fiction blog. Some times other things just come to the front. I like to run with whatever ball I'm carrying at the moment.

  9. There is no question blogging sucks time and energy from us, but it FEELS so good. I feel lucky to know you, Rachel. I'll miss your blog posts, but I'll be grateful when you do pop up.

  10. You're right, Lori - it's good to be able to pop in and out but I hate letting people down and that's what it feels like when I don't blog so much. I want to read everyone's posts and the only way I can keep up with that is to put out less myself. I know exactly what you mean about feeling tired now!

    Thanks, Mike - that's a great way to look at it. I'll not feel so bad if I view it as a ball game - I'll finishe the one I'm playing now and then I can focus my attention on the next one! Internet and pc has been troublesome for me, too. It's not condusive to productivity, that's for sure!

    Leslie - I am so happy to have "(inter)met" you, too! Will pop up once in a while - the main thing is I want to post things of quality for you all though - not just random waffle - unless you prefer my waffle that is! :) Thanks for all your kind and supportive words.

    That last bit goes to you all. Cheers.

  11. Blogging is great to give you contact with the outside world, and to get encouragement and feedback. However when it starts hovering over you as yet another 'must do' it's a real drain on creativity. So, get creative, and we'll be pleased to see you when you have the time! Love Penny x

  12. Awe, Penny - thank you. Time is so sparse at the moment with toddler and nine year old but it won't always be this way so I'm enjoying more of my children and still writing - something had to give. It's paying off, too: I got thirty pages written last week and a whole chapter today and am a third of the way through. I can't tell you what a relief it is to be making some progress somewhere! My plan is to get a first draft out by about October (not being too rigid though - just thought it was a good motivator to have a rough date) and then I can take my time revising and editing and checking facts for the central "historical" section. Phewsh! Am enjoying writing - which hadn't been the case for the past few months due to the "pressure" of blogging. I like blogging and I'd like to keep liking it.

    Thanks so much for popping by and being so supportive. I hope I can be a moral boost to you sometime.

  13. The urge to pull against our own push is rarely our own to control, but try we must.

  14. I seem to be in a constant state of flux, Anil. Hope you're enjoying perusing the archives. Thanks for reading.


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