
Friday, September 10, 2010

Name some paper

Signed by the lovely Emily Perkins and the handsome and jovial Dylan Horrocks.....
I have a copy of their collaborative graphic conversation - on why Emily writes fiction and Dylan draws it - to give away....

....all you have to do is be your usual startlingly witty selves and leave me a jolly comment and I'll pop your graphic/literary representations (erm, names on a bit of paper) in a hat and announce the lucky winner....

....when I have ten comments (not including my replies!)

Have a great weekend :)


  1. Ooh now, that looks fab. Put me in your hat please!


  2. In you go, Sir!
    Your wee pic is very complimentary to my bloggy colour scheme, Nik - thank you!

  3. Heck, being asked to be witty is the kiss of death! But here I am anyway...ready for a hat.

  4. since i live in the states you don't need to include me (that would be a lot of postage!). but it sure does look like a cool read! great illustrations!

    if you're in need of a free query crit - i'm giving away 10 at my blog today!

  5. Totally entering this as my daughter loves graphic novels.

    Er, is it suitable for children? If not, then the mum will snag it.

    Er, unless I dont' win of course.

    Which with my luck I won't.

    Shutting up now...

  6. Rachel - you are in the hat - with antidote to the kiss of death!


  7. Sorry it took me so long to post your comments - this socialising lark is very tiring stiff!

    Amie - sounds like a cool offer over at your place! I am happy to post anywhere - if you want to go in the hat you are most welcome to?!

  8. Thomas - You are in the hat, me lad!

    Donna - I wouldn't let my daughter read it (she's 9 - it has your favourite expletive in it!) - but in you go for your own enjoyment.

    My daughter's a huge fan of graphic novels, too, and I just borrowed Dracula from her! I would love to do a series of them myself but I am not sure of the rules (if there are any)'s my next "to learn" thing.

    I have to add that it was very cool indeed to see Emily and Dylan perform the comic conversation with the pages flashed up on a big screen and extra little asides added. I wish I had taken a camera - I would have posted you a little clip or something.


  9. Lord, I'm here just in time! Except I can't count!
    Count me in - anything that has "The Destroyer of Worlds" in it belongs on my bookcases.

  10. Titus, calm yourself - I'm giving away a wee pamphlet sized thingy - not a week with Edward Norton - that's six comments - you included - by my count! You are in the hat!

    It is a fab title!

  11. I like the look of this, particularly as I have a niece called Ellie.

  12. Dogged by words is the only one that springs to mind - oh, and great post.

  13. I never win hat picks. Consistency is all.

  14. You are the ninth comment in the hat, Dick - I wish you luck!

  15. Rachel, we've ascertained that Gran Sixty is in Bombay, and therefore not very close to you and over a bridge, she tells me.
    The pamphlet is coming in the post!

  16. Hi rachel,

    You're right - those two pictures did look remarkably similar. One thing that strikes me is how almost every saloon had spittoons and towels for patrons. Chewing tobacco must have been widespread and messy!

  17. Titus - teaforthetiller[at]hotmail[dot]com - let me know what the postage shortfall is.

    GW - Blurgh! No wonder smoking took off! had someone spit on my shoe but it wasn't tobacco... :(

  18. At last we have enough comments to run the draw! Coming up shortly....

  19. What a great contest! Thanks, Rachel!


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