
Friday, September 3, 2010

A quake

Just wanted to send out well wishes to all in Christchurch this morning.


  1. Visiting/following from KarenG's bbq! Nice to "meet" ya.

  2. Hi Angie - thank you - ditto with the greety lovelies. This post isn't very one on the way...but thanks for dropping in! Drop your link into the next post and it will get more traffic there! Will be by your way soon!

  3. Report here sounds as if there has been some property damage Rachel. Hope everyone there is safe - it sounds as if it was a big one.

  4. Lots of damage, unfortunately, Cat - and injuries. I think 2 fatalities when I last checked. I know Andrea from Rainbow Notebook lives there - am worried.

  5. Update - Andrea at Rainbow Notebook is fine! :)

  6. Scary stuff... We had our big one on Easter Sunday - very disconcerting, to say the least. Best wishes.

  7. Looks like a mess - and a storm coming up - and it is all such a beautiful area! I feel for them!

  8. GW - it's a given that there will be earthquakes here but it dosn't make them any more expected or less shocking and frightening when they happen.

    I had no idea you had had one at Easter.

    Definitely hoping life gets back to normal for as many people as quickly as possible.

  9. Cat, seems the CBD is the worst hit. It is a very historic and lovely place. Very sad.

  10. Rachael King lives in Christchurch, also. Best wishes to her and her family. Really hope everyone gets all the help and support they need as it looks set to get worse before it gets better.

  11. Eek, my brother lives there! Better call him...

  12. Oh Rachel - I hope he's ok.

    There are regular updates on NZ Herald news site.


  13. Yes, indeed. I had thought my brother and his wife were there, but in fact they had revised their schedule and crossed to the North Island the day before.

    I would like to wish every blessing to all those involved in any way.

    Thansk Rachel, for the opportunity.


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