
Saturday, April 30, 2011

Leg it over there

Is this the funniest photo of a pair of legs you've ever seen?

There is some excellent work in the latest edition of Otoliths, including a very moving poem from Michele Leggott - highly recommend read.

In other news:

went to a very interesting reading on Saturday evening, given by members of The Author's Mouth group here in Auckland. There'll be another on the last Friday of May, at Borders in Albany's Westfield Mall. In future I will not down two coffees immediately prior to meeting people or wear skinny jeans to drink said coffee and sit for a long period of time.

completed a first draft of my screenplay, finally, and it's awful. Putting it aside for some considerable period of time until I have fathomed what to do with it.

writing and drafting poetry daily and coming up with some interesting things and I got the idea for my next collection of short stories - all of them, all in one go - like being hit by a creativity mannequin and swapping outfits rapidly. Now I need to stay focused and finish what I've started.

discovered many things make me laugh, often at inappropriate moments.

What are you lot up to and what do you know?


  1. Lovey legs, disembodied. As if they become the eyes looking out to sea, pointed through the toes.

    You sound very productive, Rachel. As for me I'm finishing off writing a thesis and dealing with my very ill mother and whatever else life throws up.

  2. I'm sorry to hear your mother is ill, Elisabeth. It's surely every child's fear that ill health befalls their parents. I hope you can find the strength to deal with all life is throwing at you.

    I like the idea of seeing through my toes. Thank you.

  3. What am I doing? A spot of blogging.
    What do I know? Nothing.

    A while ago I tried to get a meme going - "post a photo of your knees". I thought it was a long shot at the time. Nobody responded - until now!

  4. A screenplay? How awesome. If I were witty, smart and yet as concise as Sorkin or Whedon I would try it - but I'm not, so I won't! Big kudos to you.

  5. You sound good, Rachel. Laughing at everything and being hit by the creativity... mannequin? What's going on in that department store of yours?

  6. rachel i'm interested in how they move from pale chocolate to vanilla as my eyes move seaward! a very good call by the way on the combination of skinny jeans and a caffeinated tumescence!!! steven

  7. Dominic - my knees must surely count as a long shot!
    Better late than never, eh?

  8. Donna, I'm thinking I shouldn't have, either! But it's been very worthwhile, if time consuming, experience and has helped with my plotting and structure. All good. But I'll scoop up the praise and store it for later! Thanks.

  9. I'm muddling along as usual, Lori :)

  10. Steven, you're a poet!

    And I have no idea what was going on with the shade of my legs there but it certainly looks strange - good thing my legs aren't chocolate though, else I'd have eaten them!

  11. A creativity mannequin, lol! I could do with an encounter with one of those myself!

    Good luck figuring out what to do with the screenplay. Maybe your mannequin can sort it out?

  12. Helen, I thinkk the mannequin could have written a better screenplay!

  13. Just heard about the twister. Hope you are ok.

  14. Thanks, Sylvia - we are fine - it wasn't far away but it missed us. I was doing the school run as it happened - heaviest rain I have EVER known! That's saying something for NZ where we regularly get the bath tipped on us! Sure it will rain heavier today just to prove me a liar!

    Thank you for your concern, that means a lot.

  15. Oh, man, Rachel! Is that what real legs look like? I"m envious, being of the leg- and height-challenged sort.

    I don't think I know much right now. I'm working (at the paying writing) in spurts that take too much away from me, but haven't yet found the balance. I'm working my 12-step program and took a 6-month chip recently. I'm re-reading a much loved book, so large and heavy it nearly crushes me in bed.

    Yow. I sound truly dull.

  16. Les, long legs may mean more distance travelled but I have a longer walk home! Don't think the height is an advantage though it helps old dears in the supermarket.

    You're doing good from my lofty view!

    Only the people who think they are interesting sound dull :)

  17. It looks a little like the pic that Gulliver would have taken had he a.) had a mobile 'phone handy, and b.) been female.

    Stay focussed. It sounds like the creative percentage is paying off, screenplay notwithstanding.

  18. I had my camera set to landscape, Dick! I like the idea of a female Gulliver.

    Thanks, I need to stay focused - less blogging but hopefully it will pay off. The screenplay will have to wait for now, although I could insert Gulliver into the story....


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