
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tale of two piccies

I have two photographs over at The Camel Saloon. My round and sincere thanks to Russell Streur, bar keeper extraordinaire. Poems coming shortly!


  1. It is, Cat, it is. All colour, but concrete underneath just the same.

  2. Only found one, but it was lovely. Like Baghdad in the Arabian Nights if they had neon then.
    Scrolled down a bit, but got scared by King Neptune. Terrifying sculpture!

  3. Congratulations, Rachel. I love the colored bricks. So cute. And where did you take that Auckland picture from? Such a magnificent view.

  4. Glowing lights all hazy and alight, alive.
    Nice pic, but were you in some kind of motion when you took it, or it was intended to be in such fashion?

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  5. Some fabulous photos at The Camel Saloon. Yours is shimmering and inviting. I could only find one of your photos. What am I doing wrong?

  6. There's something strangely creepy about the window one! The other looks like a tiara though, so it's not all gloom:)

  7. JoAnne, there's one pic under "photographs" and the other was under "The Camel Saloon" but they're on a rolling subs rota so they'll move down the page as new subs come in. There are some great pics on there from all over the world. I'm still amazed by the globalness of the internet! Cheers!

  8. Lori, thanks, the Auckland shot was from Devonport pier looking over the harbour to the city - if you had a cruise to Auckland, that's the view you'd get arriving!
    They change the colour of the lights on the sky tower regularly, too.

  9. I'm currently making a picture book of our last holiday to New Zealand and yesterday I did Auckland. Your photo is better than mine.

  10. BA, I was not on something! Ha, but it was taken on a lengthened exposure and I was driving by in the car to get the movement - I have some pics where the light looks like streamers. I thought it looked a little like dollar symbols on this though! Glad you like it. I might do a picture post soon with a bunch of Auckland pics if you like. Thanks.

  11. Kass, you're not doing anything wrong as far as I can tell! There are two links on the page, as I said to JoAnne: one under "photographs" and one under "The Camel Saloon", but because submissions are on a rolling basis, the pics will move down the page as new ones come in.

  12. Thomas, I never worked it out either - from inside the house it was about two feet above the floor! All I could assume is that there had once been a lower level...there was an under stairs cupboard, like a small room, which you could only access from outside...

  13. Donna, how did you slip in there? Well, I'm sure your pic is fab too, but I have heaps of pics, I can email you some! Thanks, though, for the compliment!

  14. "Coloured Bricks, My Barnsley House" screamed out to me! Oh, yes, your Auckland at night was lovely, but I was pulled far more strongly to the Bricks. Don't tell anyone. Don't say it out loud. But I've printed your photo and it is placed alongside my store of beautiful, hand-dyed fabrics. Could I possibly adapt your photo to my way of expression? Congrats, Rach! Keep on!

  15. Les, if you have a use for it, use it as you wish. Thanks for your support, as always. I'm glad that photo connected with you in particular. Your collection of fabrics sound wonderful.

  16. Nice photos. Your Auckland one caught my eye straight away, even before I knew it was yours. Looking forward to the poems!

  17. Auckland is gorgeous, isn't it? Great photos!

  18. It's a great looking place, you're right, Talli. Thanks!

  19. Beautiful photos. I like the way they give us insight into your personality (obviously quirky, lovely and shimmering)

  20. Thank you, Jonathan, that's a smashing compliment!

  21. Delightful, Rachel! And thanks for the intro to a great site I was previously unaware of!

  22. Thanks, GW, but I must thank Mark Reep as it was his story I first read there!


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