Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Two happy

I'm very grateful to Felino A. Soriano for including my fictions "The Thirsty Dog" and "Dog Lying in the Snow" in Sugar Mule #47, and doubly happy to see writer and lit-hop pals Ezra Letra and Jamez Chang in this issue, too - check out their three poems - powerful stuff.


Lori said...

Loved the stories and particularly enjoyed your comments on their genesis. Really fascinating stuff, Rachel! You should always accompany your stories with their own stories.

Kass said...

I love these stories and also enjoyed the explanations immensely.

I envy men and their ability to be so expressive with their piss.

Rachel Fenton said...

"I envy men and their ability to be so expressive with their piss." Best line I've read in some time, Kass. You have a talent, use it.

Thank you for taking the time to read my stuff - I'm so glad you enjoyed it.

Rachel Fenton said...

I've been thinking more about your idea to comment on my stories - I do like being able to comment on my comments. It's a very me sort of enjoable...thank you, Lori!