Saturday, October 25, 2014

Fore word

Before I ramble on about being the runner-up in the Dundee International Book Prize, please make do with a comic about such things and associated feelings.


Anonymous said...

Beautifully written and drawn. Iron Maiden (of Honor) in title. New Shoes (of colour) in spirit. Brilliant work!

Group 8 said...

Brilliant Rae. Keep running forward, it's the only way. N x

Rachel Fenton said...

Thank you, Jamez! :-D

Rachel Fenton said...

Awe, thanks, Nuala - no holding me back now x

Lori said...

That's beautifully said and drawn, Rachel. I like the philosophy of running on your own.
The father's comments reminded me of a joke, of comedian Peter Russel, I believe, that my husband found to ring very true to his experience as a child:
"Like my father always said: "shut up, I can't listen to the radio!"

Kass said...

You're so refreshingly and artistically honest!

Michelle Elvy said...

Good stuff, Rae. And I wanna read your novel.

Rachel Fox said...

A lovely piece of work. Don't forget to send me the Dundee piece too!

Rachel Fenton said...

Thank you, Lori. That's so sad. Parents can be hurtful. I wish everyone could put the crappy stuff into comics and get some happy from it.

Rachel Fenton said...

Thanks, Kass! I am possibly too honest for my own good...

Rachel Fenton said...

Absolutely! Chers, Michelle - glad you are interested to read it :)

Rachel Fenton said...

Thanks, t'other Rachel - will do!