Saturday, March 14, 2015

Print issue

Many thanks to Editor John Lavin, Fiction Editor of Wales Arts Review, for including my fiction in the first print issue of The Lonely Crowd, available for pre-order now.

I'm delighted to be included alongside such talented fiction & poetry writers as "Alison Moore, Medbh McGuckian, Stevie Davies, Anna Metcalfe, Tom Vowler, Valerie Sirr, Jo Mazelis, Gary Raymond, Nigel Jarrett, Caitlin Thomson, Dan Coxon, Armel Dagorn, Carole Burns, Jamie Guiney, Bethany W Pope, Liam Cagney, Gregory Norminton, Kathy Miles, Steph Power, Rosalind Hudis, Patrick Holloway, Frederick Pollack & Clodagh O’Brien. There is also photography from Jo Mazelis & artwork from Constantinos Andronis."


Lori said...

Sounds great, Rachel! Congratulations!

Rachel Fenton said...

Thanks, both yous!