Saturday, February 18, 2012

You timing

Since school started back, and my daughter's swimming training, and withdrawing my son from kindy, I seem to spend most of my time behind the wheel, or making play dough, or elevated narrow gauge rail tracks - yes, seriously , just ask my son -  and any free time is for writing. Guarded! Hence the lack of blogging.

Thank you time to two talented writers for nominating snowlikethought for blog awards, Teresa Stenson and Catherine McNamara.

Rather than post the awards, which I was nominated for yonks and badger years ago, I thought it would be nice to post a little about the nominators.

First award came from Teresa Stenson. Teresa blogs here and wrote this and is from just darn rooerd from me, so I'm rather proud of her. She's also so real and talented any fakers reading this ought to fall to bits and have their less than authentic parts crawl off to join Joan Rivers’ armpit.

Second award came from Catherine McNamara. Cat blogs here and wrote this which is to be followed by Pelt and Other Stories in 2013 from IDP, and she’s from just over the ditch from where I am now which makes us neighbours, I think. A strong woman writer; if there are any fakers left reading, please mwah yourselves inside out and select a new profile after Cat’s example.

Ladies, I salute you!

PS, I was supposed to write seven things about me, here goes:

1. I collect the variety stickers off fruit - my notebooks are covered in them - even wrote a story about one and an epic poem.

2. I have a 34 inch inside leg.

3. I drink on average fifteen cups of tea per day.

4. For reasons of area, half my books are in the garage along with a 1950s table I dream of one day having mismatched vintage chairs around and a cherry patterned cloth on.

5.  E. A. Markham, otherwise known as Archie, taught me creative writing. We had giggling fits together along with my mate, Bev, much to the bemusement of other seminar goers, and he said I showed "great promise" - important words to me at the time.

6. I don't like ice-cream.

7. In unfamiliar company, I often lie about my opinion just to see how other people react; I can't turn off the people watching long enough to talk properly.

I was also supposed to pass the award on.

If you want the award, take it, you've all done more blogging than me to deserve it!


Anonymous said...

15 cups of tea!!!

Rachel Fenton said...

I don't have a biscuit with every one!

Titus said...

Both deserved of course, and hats off to the non-fakers! Makes me think you've been suffering an infestation of fakers, however.

And I'm 20 cups a day, easy! Huzzah for the tea drinkers of the world.

Rachel Fenton said...

Haha - yay for tea guzzlers!

Dominic Rivron said...

As Donna said, 15 cups???! I manage three cups of rooibos.

I have a habit of mischievously sticking fruit variety stickers on people's coats, cardigans, etc., when they're not looking.

Rachel Fenton said...

Liking the fruity sticker mischief - great story title....hmn...of all the times to get story inspiration - seriously swatting the stories away lately - they will just have to wait their turns....

I often wonder, if they just called rooibos what it is, would it be so popular....

Teresa Stenson said...

Only just saw this, Rachel - thank you! You're lovely. What's with the emphasis on not-fake? I mean, I'm happy to be real, just curious.

Fruit stickers - as a teen, I covered my lunch box with them. Mostly kiwis - oooh, eerie :)

Rachel Fenton said...

Teresa - I was sure I'd put emphasis on real and talented!!! Not fake as in the opposite of real and talented in this instance.

You have always come across as being very much yourself without artifice - that's all I meant - and you have talent. But, see, that's not as witty as what I posted.

Like the lunch box adornment - do you remember any of the variety names? That's why I collect them - right now I'm looking at "Yummy", "Te Koha", "Smitten" in and amongst the navel oranges and mandarins....

Teresa Stenson said...

You did put the emphasis on real and talented, and now it's like I am by mentionning it all over again... Thank you for saying such things.

I don't remember the varieties... they're usually fairly boring like 'Royal Gala'. And actually, you know, these days most of my fruit comes in bags, like bag of apples, so they don't have the little individual stickers on. Bring back the stickers! I'll be looking out for them now.

Rachel Fenton said...

I discovered a whole apple scandal by googling the variety stickers....who'd have thought?

Fruit's never looked so appealing!
Maybe set up a bring back fruit stickers campaign? Ok, maybe not - though there was always the thought, when I'd eaten a sticker with my apple, as a kid, would it.....

Lori said...

I thought I had left a comment on this post, Rachel. I am starting to believe that I am posting these comments too late and you just ignore them :( Anyhow ... your books in the basement reminded me of how happy I am that I got rid of most of my paper books. My office area looks so much cleaner and happier. I know it's not for everyone, but I am happy with the new technologies.

Rachel Fenton said...

Lori, I assure you I am not ditching your comments - all comments come into my inbox - I'd have seen if there was one. I think blogger plays tricks from time to time, that else check you've typed the verification properly before exiting the page? I'm always too fast to move onto the next page and don't wait to see if my comment has processed. I'm sorry if your comments disappeared - I'm not ignoring them.

Also, copy and past your comment before sending it then, if it doesn't come up with the message to say your comment is awaiting moderation, you can copy paste it again.

Hope this helps?

I got rid of hundreds of books before moving out to NZ, Lori - it was a burden lifted in so many ways, I understand that feeling, but I do miss lots of them now and wish I'd found a way to hang on to them (even though they's be in the garage right now!)

Thanks for persevering with the comments x

Rachel Fenton said...

"Albert Onebrick" - Oh brilliant! Made me chuckle, that one. I really must try harder now. Thanks, Parrish - what japes.

The Divorced Lady's Companion to Living in Italy said...

Dear Rachel,
Thank you! I just saw this! You've really made me smile. Yep I am from just across the waters and missing Sydney a lot - Italy is lovely but wears you down. I shouldn't be complaining and I'm not, I've written a silly book about the place! Keep well and thanks again. Xxcat

Rachel Fenton said...

Ha, now worries, Cat - good to have made you smile now x